Pediatrics Residency

PGY-1 Pediatrics residency positions by state

Number of Pediatrics positions by state based on PGY-1 main residency Match

Most competitive Pediatrics residencies - Top 20 ranking

ID / Ranking Program State

Top 10 most competitive Pediatrics residencies with %DO > 25

ID / Ranking Program State
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Percent MD,DO,IMG Pediatrics PGY-1 residents (main match)

Percent of PGY-1 Pediatrics MDs, DOs and IMGs by year

Pediatrics PGY-1 main residency Match statistics

Year Positions Filled(%) MD DO IMGs
2024 3160 91.9 1522 (48 %) 614 (19 %) 768 (24 %)
2023 3067 97.0 1693 (55 %) 622 (20 %) 659 (21 %)
2022 3039 97.2 1745 (57 %) 602 (19 %) 608 (20 %)
2021 3000 98.5 1835 (61 %) 530 (17 %) 589 (19 %)
2020 2975 97.9 1807 (60 %) 499 (16 %) 608 (20 %)
2019 2913 97.4 1761 (60 %) 512 (17 %) 565 (19 %)
2018 2877 97.7 1823 (63 %) 406 (14 %) 582 (20 %)
2017 2855 98.1 1928 (67 %) 367 (12 %) 505 (17 %)

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