Medical Residency in New York

PGY-1 residency positions in New York

Number of  positions by specialty in New York based on PGY-1 main residency Match data

Top size residency programs in New York by specialty

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Percent MD,DO,IMG residents matched PGY-1 in New York (main match)

Percent of MDs, DOs and IMGs in New York by year

New York PGY-1 main residency Match statistics

Year Positions Filled(%) MD DO IMGs
2024 4464 95.2 2060 (46%) 643 (14%) 1543 (34%)
2023 4437 93.9 2073 (46%) 583 (13%) 1506 (33%)
2022 4278 96.1 2105 (49%) 566 (13%) 1439 (33%)
2021 4216 95.9 2047 (48%) 543 (12%) 1452 (34%)
2020 4213 95.6 2002 (47%) 523 (12%) 1499 (35%)
2019 3997 95.8 1944 (48%) 512 (12%) 1371 (34%)
2018 3807 95.2 1946 (51%) 370 (9%) 1309 (34%)
2017 3378 94.3 1688 (49%) 217 (6%) 1279 (37%)

PGY-2 residency positions in New York

  1. Radiology-diagnostic (136)
  2. Physical medicine and rehabilitation (60)
  3. Dermatology (54)
  4. Anesthesiology (46)
  5. Neurology (43)
  6. Radiation oncology (27)
  7. Interventional radiology - integrated (18)
Number of  positions by specialty in New York based on PGY-2 main residency Match data

Percent MD,DO,IMG residents matched PGY-2 in New York (main match)

Percent of MDs, DOs and IMGs in New York by year

New York PGY-2 main residency Match statistics

Year Positions Filled(%) MD DO IMGs
2024 384 99.5 285 (74%) 62 (16%) 35 (9%)
2023 369 98.9 271 (73%) 54 (14%) 40 (10%)
2022 396 98.0 282 (71%) 72 (18%) 34 (8%)
2021 383 98.4 268 (69%) 63 (16%) 46 (12%)
2020 388 96.9 259 (66%) 62 (15%) 55 (14%)
2019 390 95.1 260 (66%) 64 (16%) 47 (12%)
2018 389 100.0 269 (69%) 55 (14%) 65 (16%)
2017 391 97.4 272 (69%) 39 (9%) 70 (17%)

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