Internal medicine Residency Programs in New York

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Percent MD,DO,IMG PGY-1 residents matched during the main Match

Percent of PGY-1 Internal medicine MDs, DOs and IMGs in New York by year

Internal medicine PGY-1 main residency Match statistics in New York

Year Positions Filled(%) MD DO IMGs
2024 1645 98.3 647 (39%) 191 (11%) 778 (47%)
2023 1685 97.9 651 (38%) 207 (12%) 790 (46%)
2022 1659 97.6 639 (38%) 188 (11%) 793 (47%)
2021 1600 96.9 602 (37%) 173 (10%) 776 (48%)
2020 1641 95.9 589 (35%) 144 (8%) 841 (51%)
2019 1603 97.8 611 (38%) 169 (10%) 787 (49%)
2018 1529 95.9 597 (39%) 130 (8%) 739 (48%)
2017 1523 96.7 622 (40%) 105 (6%) 746 (48%)

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