National Institutes Of Health Clinical Center Medical Genetics And Genomics Residency Program

Program ID, location, website
ACGME program ID1302321022 Copy



ACGME ID1302321022 Copy

LocationMaryland, Bethesda

Minimum requirements

Step 1: Cut-off / Preferred minimum200 / ---

Step 2: Cut-off / Preferred minimum--- / ---

Complete application by

VisaJ1 and H1

Notes and additional requirements:
Notes and additional requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens, Green Card holders or Foreign Nationals (with a valid Visa) and have completed a three (3) year U.S. ACGME accredited residency.
Contact information
Program directorOleg Shchelochkov

Contact personHolly Babcock

Contact phone(301) 496-3980


Program information

Setting typeAccredited lengthPositions by year
2 years5/6

2024 Main Match positions. offered(#unfilled)
No data

% of IMGs( )

%USMD ( ), %DO ( )
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Contact information
Program directorOleg Shchelochkov

Contact personHolly Babcock

Contact phone(301) 496-3980
