Hurley Medical Center/michigan State University Obstetrics And Gynecology Residency Program

Program ID, location, website
ACGME program ID2202531140 Copy



ACGME ID2202531140 Copy

LocationMichigan, Flint

Minimum requirements

Step 1: Cut-off / Preferred minimum--- / 220

Step 2: Cut-off / Preferred minimum230 / ---

US clinical experience (months) not specified as a requirement months

Graduation within (years)5

Step 1, 2(CK) on first attemptnot specified as a requirement

ECFMG for interview not specified as a requirement

Complete application by Sep 25,2024


Notes and additional requirements:
Notes and additional requirements: Candidates to the Hurley Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency Program must apply through the Residency Centralized Application Services (ResidencyCAS) at (Our program does NOT utlize ERAS.) Candidates must pass the COMLEX Level 1 and Level 2 or USMLE Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge, and Step 2 Clinical Skills (if applicable) within the first two attempts. Candidates who take COMLEX Level 1 and COMLEX Level 2 must have a passing score that is at or above the national mean for their exam year. USMLE Step 3 is not required for interview purposes. We do not require U.S. experience. However, if an applicant has had significant experience in a U.S. practice or hospital, that can be an asset.
Contact information
Program directorAtinuke Akinpeloye

Contact personTaja Lay

Contact phone(810) 262-6426


Program information

Setting typeAccredited lengthPositions by year
University affiliated4 years4

2024 Main Match positions. offered(#unfilled)

Main Match unfilled past 3 yearsNo

%IMGs(  US/  Non-US)

%USMD ( ), %DO ( )

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Contact information
Program directorAtinuke Akinpeloye

Contact personTaja Lay

Contact phone(810) 262-6426
